for teen boys

Teen Challenge NorWestCal Nevada has a center for struggling teen boys to recover and heal while continuing their education. Please see the information below about this center.

We enable recovery so teens can live freely and fulfill their God-given purpose in life.

Teen Boys

boys having fun in costumes

Eagle Springs Teen Boy’s Center is for young men 12-17 with severe life-controlling problems, such as addiction, anger, defiance, rebellion, and trauma.  

Many of the boys who come to the center need to overcome an addiction or require an at-risk youth program. Our residential program helps troubled youth find a path to success and recovery through the emotional, mentoring, educational, and spiritual aspects of the program.

  • You are not alone! Many teens and their families are struggling with similar issues.

    Young men can find a safe haven at our center. Here, anger transforms into peace, depression into joy, and disorderly behavior into self-control. Seeing these young men transform and know their purpose in life is awesome and a privilege.

    To learn more about the program which includes mentoring, education, life skills, spiritual direction, and activities, please click to see the teen website here. Thank you.

    To apply for admission, please go to “Apply Here” on this page.

TC NWCN Happy Valley center

our other centers