centers for men

Teen Challenge NorWestCal Nevada has three men’s centers. Please see the information below.

If you want freedom from the pain of drug addiction, substance abuse, or life-controlling problems, we can help!


man working smiling in front of pond

Three different men’s centers offer hope of recovery.

The Oakland Men’s Center serves the entire Bay Area.

The Alpha Henson Men’s Center is located in Lincoln, CA.

There is also a men’s center in Las Vegas, NV.

These centers enable recovery so men can fulfill their God-given purpose.

  • We remain committed to helping the men at the center find a safe haven. Here, anger transforms into peace, depression into joy, and disorderly behavior into self-control. We look forward to seeing these men transform and coming to know their purpose in life.

    Our staff is mostly Teen Challenge graduates who have “been there and done that.” They are walking in victory over their life-controlling problems, and you can too!

    To apply for admission please click “Apply Here.”

hand reaching toward sun

our other centers