Randy Rowe

Randy has worked with Teen Challenge since 1979. He started ministering in Denver, CO as the Director of a 40-bed facility. It was there he saw the high value of helping people turn away from their destructive lifestyles.

Randy has a Ph.D. in Christian Psychology from International Seminary. His BA is in Biblical Literature from Northwest College, and his MA in Psychology and Counseling from the University of Northern Colorado. Additionally, he is an ordained minister of the Assemblies of God.

In 1984, Randy and his wife, Dana, founded a Teen Challenge Christian Academy in Wyoming. They served 45 students with a residential Junior High/High School education program. Watching confused teens gain control of their lives was amazing. They expanded operations to South Dakota where he helped revitalize an existing program.

In 1996, Randy and Dana took the opportunity to lead the Teen Challenge organization in Northern California and Nevada. They brought the region to a new level of effectiveness and growth. They also opened new centers in Humboldt County, CA, Reno, NV, and Las Vegas, NV.

In 2017, Teen Challenge NorWestCal Nevada opened a new Adolescent Girl's Center in the Nevada territory. This was a dream come true for Randy and Dana who have been praying for this property for years.

Under the leadership of Randy as CEO, Teen Challenge NorWestCal Nevada has grown to include ten residential centers, two thrift stores, and numerous outreaches. Randy also serves on the Board of Directors for Global Teen Challenge.

Chief Executive Officer

dana Rowe

From age four, Dana has served the Lord. While attending Northwest University she met Randy Rowe. The two married in April 1980 and have two sons-- Jered and Jeremy. Today, Dana is the Chief Development Officer for Teen Challenge NorWestCal Nevada. 

Dana has dedicated her life to Teen Challenge. Together, Randy and Dana have worked with Teen Challenge since 1979, ministering to adults, teens, and their families. Dana has her BA in Education with a Minor in Psychology, and she is also a certified teacher.

The Lord has gifted Dana with insight, understanding, sensitivity, and compassion for ministering to others. She has a special ability to work with those struggling with the devastation of drugs, alcohol, and abuse. She has often seen the healing power of God in the lives of those who have been victims of abuse. Many hurting people may be afraid to discuss their abuse because of what others may think or believe about them. However, through Jesus, healing power is available.

In 1984, Randy and Dana established the Teen Challenge Christian Academy for teens 12-18 years old in Wyoming. In 1996, they moved to the Bay Area and began leading Teen Challenge NorWestCal Nevada. They have been expanding that ministry since.

In 1998, the couple founded the Reno Adolescent Boy's Center, followed four years later by the Men's and Women's Center in Eureka, CA, and a program in Las Vegas.

Randy and Dana have assisted with the opening of four centers in India. They have also added several centers outside of their region: The Native American Men's Center in Trinidad, CA, the Vallejo Men's Center, and the Manila Philippines Boy's Center.

Seven years ago, the Adolescent Girl’s Center opened for at-risk girls. Five years ago, Sacramento Valley Teen Challenge joined the region. Today, under Randy and Dana’s leadership, Teen Challenge NorWestCal Nevada consists of ten residential recovery centers, two thrift stores, and numerous outreaches.

Chief Development Officer